on the higway tonight, there's no reason to cry out your eyes

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The supreme court ruled 15 years ago that a ill patient has a constitutional right to decline medical treatment. but it also said that right was not absolute, holding that a state may impose a high legal burden on a family to to consent for them. in this case the family is the husband if the patient is unable to make that decline. because terri didn't leave a living will, the husband is given authority to make all decisions for his wife from this point. under the constitution the husband is legally protected to refuse terri's tube from being put in. the constitution, the law of the land, takes precedence to all laws in US. it has no regard for your religious views, your personal morals, what the politician says, what the priest says or what you think. and it has no regard if terri is or isn't in a vegetative state. if she wants to die, her husband legally allowed to let her.

cased closed honey. but i love you nonetheless.


old thoughts become new revelations