oceans won't freeze

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dear blog,

don't you worry. you are not an orphan, it's just that your master has become preoccupied with working himself to death. one full time job and now a part time job by week nights and weekends has become detrimental to find time to do anything else. like fall in love with misty every night over. but i assume she has a puerto rican lover on the side to step in when i am working my youth away.

by day i clickety click on a keyboard making it look i'm actually doing something for 6-7 hours and by evening i make sure the local grocery store shelves are filled with pop & chips to make ourselves fatter than we've already become. mind you, i do not work in the store every night as i do not think that be good for anyone's mental condition.

can you guess which job i prefer more? the thing is: because of the years i've pumped in the exciting world of grocery, the wage is roughly equal. thanks to my lack of qualifications and credentials, my day boss is able to get away with it and i can either be his poorly paid employee or be someone else's poorly paid employee. i wasn't going to do much grocery this summer, but reality has siphoned all my dough and i gave in.

it's not that i like working so much but certain conditions, such as car payments on the new "pimping ride" and the looming tuition statement from money pit university leave me with very little options to do otherwise but work myself silly. not to mention, since the lunatic cowboy moved into the white house in 2000, our worldwide gas prices have been steadily rising. it's funny watching drivers go ape shit when a station offers gas for 75cents/litre when not too long ago, such a price was outrageous. because 51% of the people in a normally stable country elected a wacky cowboy as their president, i have to pay for gas more than i should.

now if you excuse me, i have a job to run to so i can become rich, BIATCH!


old thoughts become new revelations