Sometimes I'm in the mood, I'm gonna make a change in this here town

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i wrote this two weeks ago when i didn't have the net hooked up yet and was bored in my new place. sometime over the labour day long weeend;

Day one in the new “pad.” Since the net would be running for another few days, I am constrained to writing via ms office. It’s been a while since I’ve written anything but lot has happened in the last several months.

No bigger than quitting my job to attend grad school 300km away from the comfort of the city I have known all my life. Not knowing a single soul in Kingston or anyone attending Queens University, it feels bizarre to find oneself in such a unfamiliar setting. I am a complete unknown tonight. The town, people passing by, store clerks seem different. But walking through the aisles of a grocery, neighbours, random passer bys, wandering about town my first night, I can’t help but feel refreshed and reborn that I am onto something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. The delight in the youngsters’ eyes is what I am revelling in tonight; no real direction but the freedom of being on the cusp on responsible adulthood is rewarding.

Since finishing my undergrad in political science and taking a job nothing related to my studies or anything worse pursuing in terms of advancement, coming here is nothing but beneficial. Ironically, someone who studied poli sci should able to cut through the office politics to get ahead. But in that environment politics were at a toxic level and almost sickening. Perhaps, it is my naiveté and this is inevitable for wherever one ends up. No need to reflect on names, incidents as all that is now in the past and where it needs to remain. However, hating that job as much as did provided enough artillery to pack up and leave… literarily.

Now with all the time to study and live relatively free, I hope to revive this blog and make it more personal; to reflect on my growth and development over the course of the year. This is a change in my life to say the least. I am not getting any younger and the truth that I found myself in my mid 20s and still living at home somewhat disgusted me. If anything, I need this year to find myself and grow much more of an adult. Something seems to have been missing in my life and it’s probably not really “living.”

Skipping out on the formative years would’ve been a mistake and I’ve got 10 months to take a crash course in ghetto living. Sure, working full time for a full year puts in me in a better position than most; and won’t necessarily to experience the dreadful poverty levels of student living.

Dylan’s “like a rolling stone” has never sounded more truthful than it does tonight…


old thoughts become new revelations