pounding print on the old typewriter

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write something you idiot, write something.


works sucks. mainly because of now looming unemployment effective december 18th at 4:30pm. and this wasn't the case just two weeks ago when my contract was renewed and everything seemed honky dorry until at least spring time. however, due to my school's inabilities to set clear policies--at least properly inform their students on employment opportunities--the offer is in limbo. i've been employed as a student in government for the past 4 months and my contract was set to expire. i contacted the school to ask whether i could work through until spring when i'm actually set to graduate and was given the green light.

i went through a competitive process to have my student contract renewed, got the interview, nailed it, was offered the position. after which i contacted the school to forward document verifying my student status, only to be told that it turns the school's policies limit students to a single term placement. of course, this is after i gave been offered the job and now feel like a goof explaining all this to the hiring manager. now, i have a sneaky suspicion their going through the interview process with other students in case nothing can be done to keep me on.

trying to sort of my situation means dealing with two bureaucratic institutions: on the one end my university and on the other the government. it's like standing between two massive dark forests completely obtuse as to how to approach either.

my work days consists of haggling university administrators up and down the entire hierarchy to fix the problem they created in the first place with their misinformation. no one has an answer, no one really cares. the only offer made to me was pay the school full time tuition, i keep my student job and everything will go away. lovely! in other words, i keep my job and work pro bono as all my earnings would go towards tuition.

so there; i wrote something.


old thoughts become new revelations