oh canada!

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if my math stands correct, tomorrow our proud nation turns 138 years old.

we have a lot to be proud of. great beer. hockey gods roam among us. sweet ass weed, smarties canadies, the delicious candybar known as coffee crispe and as of thursday, we are only the 3rd nation worldwide to legalize civil gay marriage. though it upset many of the conservative folks around us who wish to preserve the "traditional definition" of marrige, the landmark parliament vote displays the progressiveness within this country. the previous generation lived in an era where homosexuality was a crime under criminal code. today, gay and lesbians couples under law enjoy the same marriage rights as any other canadian. and i say, about time. it is not a threat to religion. not a threat to straight couples and your children will not want to have buttsex as a result of this decision. the only effect is going to be the inclusion of the homosexual community in an important social institution and hopefully end the ongoing stigma that homosexuality is somehow a deviance needed to be pushed into fringe status.

so tomorrow when we are getting plastered; think of the gay couples who are probably more happier to live in this country of ours. this year's july 1st is more than a national holiday.


old thoughts become new revelations