You say, "How are you?" "Good luck" but you don't mean it

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the other night i saw wedding photos of an old flame in which expected bitterness was none but rather was overcome with feelings of glee and soft smirks since.

maybe brides need to a wait bit before gaining the 20 pounds. give the fella a bit of fun and satisfaction of revelling in your youthful body.

surely, beauty won't be around forever but mere engagement isn't the right time. i assume there's still kids to be had.

she's barely 22 and already an old maid.

and in the interest of fairness, the groom isn't particularily attractive and i give him 4 years before a vicious onslaught of baldness makes the buckethat a daily choice of headwear.

i'm not bitter, really. just doing this for myself in which 3 year emotional investment turned out to be a complete bust. in which someone toyed with my heart and my dignity till the end.

but i digress.....
and i wish the young couple all the best in the world.


old thoughts become new revelations