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dying days of the bush monarchy are upon us and i am sure the columinists of the world are preparing their words for the papers the day before obama officially becomes the commander-in-chief. i do mean to use the term bush monarchy in the most facetious way.

i still remember the night of november 2nd 2000 being up well into the wee hours and the united states wasn't exactly sure as to who their next prez was. bush one minute. then gore. bush again. no wait, it's gore and the see-saw battle continued till the supreme court installed bush co few months later.

i guess the 2000 election was a turning point for me that sparked my interest in politics and the following days was marked by debate with my american born english teacher on the 'nader effect' and to what extent that cost gore that presidential election. in the following years, i did my undergrad in political science and economics, largely using the american context as a proxy to gauge my academics with what was happening in the world.

ironically, my first introduction into 'blog world' centred on the post 9/11 ramifications and the lead up to the iraq war.

whether or not, my neighbours to the south have anything to be thankful for in the past eight years (probably not), my personal story and development is largely linked to the bush presidency; good or bad. and i am sure, many young americans attribute their interest in the political process in 2008 based on the momentum election that just happened.

i won't go as far as saying that i just completed a seminar course with thomas axworthy in a graduate thanks to bush alone, but large part of my interest stem from what observing the american context of the past eight years. although, my direct experience with americans has been rather limited, one personal story of a dear friend moving back to toronto post 9/11 solidified the real impact the event had on americans. to be able to uproot their lives solely out of the social and political climate of the country made me think americans are not all that irrational but the fears were real. although, she lived in a tiny town in buttfuck indiana, the fear was the same as anyone residing in a city of millions like new york or los angeles.

which is why i dismiss the notions that are americans are misguided and unaware of the politics. they jumped on the presidential 'gut reactions' trains, however, eight years later were able to sober up and come to terms that was mistake and derailed the direction of perhaps one of the most storied nations in the history of our civilizations. a life without mistake is not worth living and where one goes wrong, the experience and lessons can only strengthen one. here we are witnessing a macr-national application of that principle that we hear so often in our daily lives.

the election of the obama too speaks of america's ability to reshape and steer its direction in an entirely different terrain. while no one is able to project the path of the obama presidency, the sheer optimism in every corner of the world speaks of the american power as a guidance and compass for every nation of the world. are we to optimistic? i guess only time will tell. i am of the school barack is a man inheriting a position laden by problems, burden, and errors that overcoming it will require political skills and aptitude unlike the world has ever seen. while the hope/change message is what drove is campaign home; campaigns are just foot in the door.

perhaps, history will judge will bush differently than 20% or so americans that still are willing to support him. living in a vacuum it is pointless and comical to make assessments of his presidency that will undoubtedly be interpreted months, years, decades from now. perhaps, barack obama could not exist without bush in the first place??

all i can do is speak of my personal experience, someone who is not even an american citizen, but follows the american political process like the common man follows the nfl season. i thank bush for my education, my knowledge, my ability to articulate a thought about domestic and international politcs thanks in part to the evening of november 2nd 2000.

i hold a very instrumental view of politics; we pay taxes on just about every purchase and capital gain that we take; at least in canada that is. i'd like to know what elected officials are doing with the money and whether i should should support or disapprove where my hard earned money is going. while i can say i have paid fractional american consumer taxes on the here and there visit to the south, their politics spills beyond their borders, especially into canada, so i can justify making comments on the bush presidency.

time will tell but at least i have something to be thankful for. and somehow, i think many others have similar stories to tell.


old thoughts become new revelations