dollah dollah dollah bills yo

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what up blogosphere?? psyched about the budget dropping tomorrow afternoon?? no??

i guess have one prof that is a known economists and another that worked at the treasury board, they've been hyping tomorrow's shenanigans since the start of the winter term. one of them is even privileged to be invited to ottawa and review the thing before it goes public.

which isn't saying much considering this government broke the traditional budgetary secrecy practice and spilled their beans last week.

as one commentator put it; last week canada got the bill, this week they find it exactly what they got. sorta a reverse version of a credit card.

likely the budget will survive and so will the harper's government given the massive spending projects that have already been announced it's unlikely the liberals will defeat the government. besides, they have to get their shit together under their new leader before going to the polls. iggy needs to introduce himself to canadians at the helm of the party. earlier this month, thomas axworthy suggested the liberals are in needs of an infusion of new ideas and policy directions before thinking of election.

not a bad idea but given the lightning fast development of the last two months, elections and coalitions will always loom given the three parties formally entered into an accord to take over the governance when they seem fit.

as for the coalition; it's safe to assume that idea sputtered out of canada's consciousness soon after the liberals booted dion. the only person really talking about is the ndp's layton; cognizant a coalition government is his only realistic claim at power in federal politics. that is not to say the coalition government will not form in the future, however, unlikely it would be over the budget as harper is pretty much bending over backwards to ensure every corner of canada is injected with stimulus dollars. a defeat of the government would be a blind political move without consideration of the text itself.


old thoughts become new revelations