split up on a dark sad night

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according to some seasonal disorder specialist out of scotland today was the most depressing day of the year. which is good to know it's cold. you're miserable. out of shape. and have pretty much broken those new year's resolutions you were supposed to carry out. the man has even devised a math formula on reasons why you wish you were dead on january 24th:

[W +(D-d)] x TQ divided by M x NA.M

W is the weather, D is debt minus the money (d) you earned in January. T is the time since Christmas and Q, the time since you lapsed back into your bad habits. Divide that by M — your low motivational level — and NA, the need to take action.

i don't know what any of this means as my math skills are limited to basic bedmas but it all sounds super smart how this gentleman added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided the alphabet to justify my blues.

yes i am in debt.

i am out of shape.

i've broken my only new year's resolution. (farthest i've ever made it though! progress people! there is progress!)

massively negative cash flow.

no motivation to do anything at all. instead of writing an essay that is due in the morning i am sitting here reading about how i am not motivated to do anything tonight and some dude in scotland devised a formula to justify my behaviour.

but hey look on the bright side people. if this is the lowest of the low. we can only go up. we've got to hit rock bottom and from that point on things can only get better.

fuck. what a lame post. i'm trying to kill time knowing a miserable paper is still which thus far has amounted to three hours of utter bullshit that's completely not on topic. but i've written 4 pages so i am half way there!


old thoughts become new revelations