how will we get ourselves out of this?

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a while ago i got home from a lovely evening with lady friend of signifance filled romance to the 10th degree.

i'm watching larry live king and realized next to paris hilton he is the second most useless life form appearing on my television screen too often. the man has no journalistic intreviewee forte at all and his guests are just hypnotized by that raspy voice of is. he used to okay because jon stewart appeared on all time that knows how to make hahaha funny jokes. then larry king laughing at jon stewart's hahahaha funny jokes sounds he swallowed a hairball.

larry king started sucking when 19/20 of his shows become devoted to michael jackson's love of little boys' penises and that peterson murder trial. you know which one i am talking about right? the guy who killed his 8 month pregnant wife. come to think of it scott peterson is 3rd on my list of useless faces on tv. how did this story make the national news? granted. it was a sad story. when i first heard it the thought of female a month away from giving its belly a life and both of them being killed was hard one to swallow. but soon after the coverage of the story led to "wife killed by husband...more at 6 o'clock" fatigue. you could only hear so much about this story and anything related to such a story becomes insignificant. i think king's coverage of the peterson trial and bringing in all those lawyers to talk about all its knitty gritty details is a step back for domestic abuse. now hearing or reading a story about a guy killing his wife is, "fuck! another peterson". larry kind you killed my sympathy for domestic abuse.

tonight king's topic was about some 12-year old who killed his grandparents, burned the house, and blames it on zolofot. how come this story isn't getting the same national scrutiny? the idea of grandparents getting killed in cold blood and diminished to ashes is equally horrifying as the murder of a pregnant mom. sure the unborn child never experienced the world for a single second and you know, that's a shame, but old people life a full life! taking that away seems more costly than the death of an unborn child. experience, wisdom and understanding entrenches the bones the unborn child barely has any bones.

could it be that zolofot is under the large drug company named pfizer? pfizer has its cunt on george dubya's face while the media is diddling dubya's twat. and so the negative studies regarding big named drug products gets undercovered while stories of celebrity molestations and dead unborn kids get a green light. larry king covers the drug story because he's just an idiot that gets an hour of tv time every night. go figure.

this three ring circus helps dictate what gets into your heads via idiot box. this is scary because if the government, media and interest groups are all their little dance around your head you my dear blog reader, you're absolutely at the whelm. the story of the peterson trial also had an underlying meaning. the death of the unborn is commonly referred to in anti-abortionist rhetoric. bush's administration is big throwing its moolahs (money) behind the pro-life picketers. like 9/11 was for bush's presidency saving grace, scott peterson is the poster boy of bush's planned abortion restrictions. this story outraged the nation, "how could anyone kill an unborn?! we must put an end this at once!" and so the anti-abortion movement has its unborn child argument fed through the television to probably every american home in the last twelve. this story even made the "top story" sections of canada's right wing media sources. even the renowed bbc world threw in a few words. you just do not get this kind of publicity. though scott peterson's balls will be eventually be fried i hope one history books will talk about mr. peterson being honored by the anti-abortionists for being their martyr.

then on the other end you have the quiet coverage surrounding drugs and side effects such as urge to kill. though i find the story of someone killing another because of anti-depressants absolutely unfounded, i do feel this story needs a little more attention. the public should know about the ongoing discourse within the medical community regarding mood altering drugs. my skepticism that there is a lack of research to support such extreme side effects. on the other hand, there's been little research into effects on kids such as this 12-year old. it's something that requires obvious attention and get the public in on the discussion.

so why isn't more coverage regarding this particular story? my opinion is that the media isn't willing to go hard out on topics potentially damaging to big business. especially the drug industry and its weight behind the bush administration. you see, canada has cheap knock off brands of same drugs that large corporate firms make. they are sort of like that cheap imitated brand of a certain grocery item. sure the knock off tastes funny but in the end it is all the same. big american drug companies don't like the idea of americans excercising free trade rights when it comes to buying their drugs. so cheap no-name canadian drugs are not so legal south of the border. pfizer, the maker of zolofot, is one of the big american companies. they give lots of money to bush so that he keeps canadian drugs out of american bloodstreams. the media has supported bush's decisions or at least slide his bigger mistakes (ie: no nu-ku-clear weapons in iraq). certainly the media isn't going to look into negativities surrounding bush's bigger funders. that is a no no.

i'm not exactly sure where i am going with the above words but i hope you get my drift on the three degrees of seperations of how our friendly american neighbours are being screwed by three of its more important institutions. i guess this is what happens when politics, business and the media are mixed together. melting pot indeed! and being a somewhat impartial observer of the situation, i feel for my american neighbours. your thoughts are with me.

we need more coverage into legal drugs and side effects. i don't think studies into illegal drugs are necessary. we know their side effects and so that discussion should focus on ways of making these drugs legal. the only odd side effect of illegal drugs is wanting to make the intoxicated blog at 2am about the side effects of zolofot.


old thoughts become new revelations